Never Too Late: How to Rediscover Your Inner Child and Find Joy Again with Eileen Marder-Mirman - Episode 23

As women enter midlife, many experience a profound awakening, prompting them to question their identities and the roles they have played throughout their lives. This journey of self-discovery can be both challenging and rewarding. Eileen Marder-Merman, author of the memoir, "How I Think I Should Be Is BS," shares her journey of feeling a disconnect between her inner self and the external expectations placed upon her, which led her to explore her true identity. This exploration allowed her to rediscover her inner child and the joy that comes with embracing all aspects of oneself.

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This episode covers:
Inner Child - Learn how you develop beliefs and how they impact your adult life.

(00:19:30) Emotions - People often reject uncomfortable emotions, preferring to put on a mask instead of acknowledging their true feelings. 

(00:45:01) Joy - Understanding why it's never too late to have a happy childhood and reconnect with the joyful, creative aspects of oneself. 

The Midlife Awakening

Midlife can be a time of reflection and reevaluation. Many women find themselves at a crossroads, grappling with the question: "Who am I really?" Eileen describes this experience as a realization that the life she was living did not align with her authentic self. She explains, “I always knew something was wrong... I just didn’t know how to go from what I knew was true to being authentic.” This disconnect often stems from societal expectations and the roles women have been conditioned to play, leading to a sense of living a double life—one that is externally acceptable but internally unfulfilling.

Embracing Emotions

Learning to embrace her emotions, both the comfortable and uncomfortable ones, opens a pathway to authenticity. This is crucial for anyone on a journey of self-discovery, as it opens the door to understanding oneself more deeply.Three ways to embrace your emotions: 

  • Acknowledge Feelings: It’s important to acknowledge your emotions rather than suppressing them.

  • Give Space to Emotions: Give your uncomfortable emotions space. You don’t have to delve deeply into every feeling but simply acknowledging their presence can lead to transformation. “Just knowing that that's there and respecting and honoring... changes who we are,” Eileen Marder-Mirman

  • Self-Compassion: Embracing all parts of oneself, including the uncomfortable emotions, fosters self-compassion. By allowing oneself to feel a range of emotions, you can become more understanding and compassionate towards yourself and others. This process is crucial for personal growth and authenticity.

By allowing yourself to experience your emotions fully, you create a space for them to be seen and understood.

Finding Joy Again

Rediscovering joy is a significant outcome of the journey of self-discovery. Through exploration and introspection, individuals can become happier and more content. The process of embracing one's authentic self leads to a deeper appreciation for life and its complexities. This newfound joy transcends mere feelings of happiness; it embodies a commitment to living authentically and fully engaging with the world. The journey serves as a powerful reminder that joy can be cultivated at any age, and that a sense of wonder and excitement can emerge from the ongoing process of self-exploration and personal growth.

Tired of reading? Listen to this podcast episode on Spotify. 


Eileen Marder-Merman’s journey illustrates that it is never too late to rediscover your inner child and find joy again. By embracing our emotions, seeking authenticity, and reconnecting with the playful spirit of our youth, we can navigate the challenges of midlife with grace and fulfillment. As Eileen wisely advises, “Just try it. Step on and find somebody to work with... Keep on trucking.” The journey may be daunting, but the rewards of self-discovery and joy are well worth the effort.

For those ready to embark on this transformative journey, Eileen’s memoir, "How I Think I Should Be Is BS," offers valuable insights and encouragement. It’s a testament to the power of vulnerability and the beauty of embracing one’s true self.

Take the first step towards your own journey of self-discovery—grab a copy of Eileen's book today and start uncovering the authentic you!

Favorite Resources For Emotional Wellness for Midlife Women 

Clarity & Connection is an examination of how intense emotions accumulate in our subconscious and condition us to act and react in certain ways.

The Adult Chair: A Guide to Loving Yourself is a straightforward how-to guide on how to identify what “chair” you are in emotionally so you learn to navigate and manage your feelings as an emotionally healthy adult.

Emotions Journal for Women is designed for women to track their daily feelings to help you enhance your emotional well-being, relieve anxiety, and improve mental health.

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The Adult Chair® Podcast: Healing Generational Limiting Beliefs


Adopt These 5 Key Traits to Be Your Best Self - Episode 22