Adopt These 5 Key Traits to Be Your Best Self - Episode 22

Connecting with your highest self is a journey of personal growth and transformation that involves embodying key traits essential for your development. It's about tapping into your inner potential and aligning your actions with your true essence.

This episode discusses several crucial traits associated with being in your highest self. These traits include consciousness, non-judgement, curiosity, decision-making and emotional grounding. Self-awareness is the foundation upon which personal growth is built, as it involves understanding your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Mindfulness allows you to be present in the moment and cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and others. Authenticity is about staying true to who you are and expressing yourself genuinely. Resilience enables you to bounce back from challenges and setbacks with strength and determination. Compassion fosters empathy and kindness towards yourself and others, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and harmony. By cultivating these traits, you can unlock your full potential and live a more fulfilling and purposeful life in alignment with your highest self.

Consciousness: Being conscious and present is fundamental to connecting with your highest self. Practicing mindfulness and breathwork helps bring you into the present moment, aligning with truth and reality. This trait enables you to make decisions based on facts and truth rather than reactive impulses.

Non-Judgment: Cultivating a non-judgmental approach is crucial for connecting with your highest self. Approaching situations with openness and acceptance, free from judgment, allows you to observe and gather information objectively. This trait helps in making decisions from a place of wisdom and truth.

Curiosity: Curiosity plays a significant role in connecting with your highest self. By asking questions and seeking to understand, you engage in exploration and growth. Curiosity allows you to challenge existing beliefs and behaviors, leading to personal development and transformation.

Decision-Making: Effective decision-making involves gathering information, weighing options, and avoiding impulsive reactions. When you connect with your highest self, you make decisions based on careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. This trait helps in navigating challenges and opportunities with clarity and purpose.

Emotional Grounding: Emotional grounding is essential for connecting with your highest self. By feeling and connecting with emotions, you offer yourself comfort and guidance, especially during triggering moments. This trait enables you to address emotional needs, maintain stability, and make decisions from a place of emotional intelligence.

In summary, connecting with your highest self involves developing and embodying traits such as consciousness, non-judgment, curiosity, decision-making, and emotional grounding. By cultivating these traits, you can enhance self-awareness, make empowered choices, and lead a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Practical Exercise

This episode features an exercise using three chairs to symbolize the inner child, adolescent, and adult. This tool helps understand and embody traits of the highest self. It's introduced as a method to connect with different aspects of oneself and access the wisdom of the adult chair, symbolizing the highest self.

When sitting in the inner child chair, listeners are encouraged to reflect on things like their emotions, creativity, vulnerability, and the sense of freedom that characterizes childhood. This allows individuals to connect with their emotional, playful, and vulnerable side, gaining insight into the deeper emotions within them.

Moving to the adolescent chair prompts individuals to consider the phase of life where growth, exploration, and identity formation take place. By reflecting on experiences and energy associated with the adolescent phase, individuals can recognize any personas or masks they may have adopted to navigate their environment.

Finally, sitting in the adult chair symbolizes embodying the traits of the highest self. This includes consciousness, non-judgment, curiosity, decision-making, and emotional grounding. By visualizing oneself as the CEO of their inner world, individuals can practice making decisions based on wisdom and truth rather than reactive impulses.

Through this exercise, individuals gain a deeper understanding of different parts of themselves and how they can integrate the traits of the highest self into their everyday lives. By journaling about experiences in each chair and reflecting on specific prompts, individuals can nurture their connection with their highest self and take steps towards personal growth and transformation.


The journaling prompts provided in the episode can aid in reflecting on triggers, nurturing the connection with the highest self, and integrating its wisdom into daily life.

  1. Reflecting on Triggers: Explore situations or experiences that trigger reactive responses. By journaling about these triggers, gain insight into emotional reactions and patterns. Identify specific triggers that may lead to reactive responses and understand the underlying emotions. This reflection allows for a more conscious and grounded approach in handling triggering moments.

  2. Nurturing the Connection with the Highest Self: Focus on nurturing and strengthening the connection with the highest self daily. Journal about ways to enhance this connection by exploring practices that promote mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional grounding. Reflect on habits, routines, and practices that support this connection to identify areas for growth and development.

  3. Integrating Wisdom into Daily Life: Consider steps to integrate the wisdom and traits of the highest self into daily life. Journal about practical steps and strategies for incorporating this wisdom, creating a roadmap for personal growth and transformation. Identify actions, behaviors, and mindset shifts that align with the traits of the highest self. Through consistent reflection and implementation, gradually embody the qualities of the highest self in daily interactions and decision-making processes.

Journaling based on these prompts can serve as a valuable tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and transformation. Engage in this reflective practice to deepen understanding of yourself, enhance the connection with your highest self, and actively integrate its wisdom into daily life.

In this episode, I cover:

[00:01:38] Your highest self.

[00:05:40] Inner child work.

[00:09:21] Tapping into the higher self.

[00:11:18] The seat of the highest self.

[00:17:40] Practicing non-judgment and repair.

[00:20:12] Emotional grounding.

[00:24:26] Exploring different chair energies.

[00:26:57] Discovering your authentic self.


"When you're aware and present, you are living in alignment with truth and reality."- LaShonda Walker

"Our life goes through phases. We go through that child, that adolescent, till we get to the adult. And every season of our life shapes and influences who we are." - LaShonda Walker

"Getting curious, asking yourself questions, collecting data." - LaShonda Walker

"The highest self is the one who is responsible for making the decisions based on wisdom and truth rather than reactive impulses."- LaShonda Walker

"We live in a world that can be so harsh and so judgmental."- LaShonda Walker

"It could be something that you've been believing for 45, 50 years. Your mother believed it. Your grandmother believed it. It's been passed down. But get curious, is it serving my highest self, my highest good today?" - LaShonda Walker

"You're the CEO of your world. And the CEO is the one that's making the decisions." - LaShonda Walker

"Give yourself grace."- LaShonda Walker


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