This transformative self-development podcast hosted by LaShonda Walker, a Certified Life Coach & Parent Educator, is your bi-weekly guide to navigating your emotions and fostering healthier relationships with family and friends through self-discovery, setting boundaries, and achieving personal goals as you tap into your highest potential.

Learn how to connect to your emotions and understand your needs.  Discover how to identify and dismantle unhealthy mindsets, uncover hidden beliefs hindering your growth, and replace them with empowering perspectives for a more fulfilling life. Each episode provides the support and tools you need to break free from emotional barriers and build a life rooted in the present.

You have the power to write an authentic and empowered life story, and this show will help you do the same. Join us on this transformative journey to explore, heal and transform, and write "A New Life Story."

Welcome to A New Life Story Podcast

Breaking the Cycle: How to Control Ruminating Thoughts for Better Mental Health - Episode 25

Racing thoughts can feel overwhelming, disrupting your focus, sleep, and overall mental well-being. These repetitive thought loops, common during moments of stress and midlife transitions, can lead to exhaustion and difficulty managing emotions.

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The Adult Chair® Podcast: Healing Generational Limiting Beliefs

In this episode I share how I help people write a new life story by incorporating The Adult Chair Model® and my Explore, Heal, and Transform method. This conversation was focuses on how beliefs formed in our past can affect our present emotional wellness and how healing these emotions can lead to empowerment.

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Understanding Feminine Energy and How It Empowers You with Jacinta Mutonga - Episode 17

In this episode Jacinta Mutonga, a self-love, feminine energy, and relationship coach, shares insights on tapping into masculine and feminine energies for self-love and inner-balance.

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Unconscious Beliefs & Limiting Mindset LaShonda Walker Unconscious Beliefs & Limiting Mindset LaShonda Walker

Discover Unconscious Beliefs to Transform Your Mindset with Jean Adero - Episode 11

In this episode I talk with Mindset Transformation Coach Jean Adero about how you can transform your mindset by understanding your life story.

Jean is a global leader who’s lovingly known as Africa’s Life Coach. She's the founder of Reimagine Africa - an Executive and Life Coaching practice where she has helped...

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How to Use Simple Tools to Uncover Unconscious Beliefs and Discover Your True Self - Episode 02

In this episode I discuss The Adult Chair® Model, a framework integral to my work as a life & emotional wellness coach, as well as a guide I use to educate people through this podcast.

This episode provides a comprehensive introduction to The Adult Chair® Model to help establish context for the work I do...

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